Making Your Dreams Come True
  John Frederick
707 362-0161
Joanie Frederick
707 362-0144
Andy Parker
707 616-3456
Michelle Voyle
707 845-1609
Katie Cutshall
707 601-2700
Sarah Ammon
707 601- 4822

About the Area

Humboldt County
contains more than 100 miles of unspoiled coastline, ancient redwood trees, wild rivers, bustling seaports, and quaint farming communities.
Area Links



Welcome to McKinleyville, the Community of Opportunity

Azalea Realty is located in McKinleyville, CA.
Quality schools, nearby beaches, rivers, forests, and the new Airport Business Park are some of the features that draw people to this area.

Situated near the Humboldt County Airport on U.S. Highway 101, McKinleyville and the local surrounds have a moderate climate that fosters healthy, active lifestyles.

Affordable housing is the one attraction that we at Azalea Realty spotlight.



Humboldt State University

Humboldt County is home to one of California's prestegous state universities, offering graduate degrees in the sciences and humanities.

Click here for a Map of the Area